Is Speech and Language Therapy required for you?
Does your child:
Find it difficult to use specific sounds?
Find it challenging to have a conversation?
Find it hard to think of a sentence to say?
Need support to meet their early speech, language, communication and play milestones?
Find it difficult to request or discuss their basic wants and needs?
If yes, they may require additional support from a Speech and Language Therapist.
A Speech and Language Therapist will offer an assessment session to identify an area(s) that your child may require some extra support with and provide an individualised therapy package to support the child and their family with the identified area(s).
Individual Therapy
Talking toolbox offers bespoke, individualised therapy sessions for children and young adults with speech, language and communication difficulties. A specialist therapist will come to your home to assess your child's needs and formulate an appropriate intervention plan to support their primary presenting needs.
A Speech and Language Therapist will carry out a mixture of formal and informal assessments (depending on the child's age and abilities) to identify areas that may require additional support. A discussion with family and review of reports will be included in the decision making for a therapy package.
Duration: 1-1.5 hours
A bespoke programme tailored to support identified areas of needs from the initial assessment. A sample of programmes include:
First words
Attention Autism
Social Thinking Programme
Lego Therapy
Colourful Semantics/Shape Coding
Duration: 30-45 minutes
Review session:
An appointment can be scheduled to review the progress post a block of therapy.
Duration: 45 minutes
Online Therapy:
Online Speech and Language Therapy follows a similar pattern to face to face sessions, however, therapy is carried out over an online platform suitable for all parties. Online therapy encompasses assessment sessions, therapy sessions and review sessions. Please see the above information for more specific details.
Duration: 30-45 minutes
Target progress report or assessment report offered.
Speech and Language Therapy is professional role and subsequently has many hidden costs. The therapy cost not only covers the 1:1 session but also covers:
- preparation time for assessment/sessions
- note writing and platform to do so
- buying and maintaining resources
- buying and maintaining assessment resources
- keeping up to date with the latest research
- attending training courses
- payment of professional fees e.g. websites, professional subscriptions etc